Do Not Touch HYIP's
HYIP, or High Yield Investment Programs promise you a massive daily interest on your investment. It can be anything up to an unbelievable 50% daily. The risk is very high and you need to be hugely careful before you invest. By investing in HYIPs you risk your money every day, because you have no warranty that your money is safe and in fact in very many cases it is anything but safe. Many HYIP products turn out to be pyramid or Ponzi schemes which either boarder on or or transgress into fraud or are otherwise illegal. If you want to trust your hard earned cash to people conducting illegal activities then so be it but remember what the Autopilot told you. If the person you are dealing with is doing illegal or fraudulent dealings what makes you think you are anything but the next target.
If you want to have a close look at the havoc that these schemes can produce just look at the mess surrounding the 12DailyPro and Stormpay episode recently. The thread went on for weeks in the how to forum and Stormpay have never seemed to recover. Now in this case supporters of one side quite unequivocally blame the other and I don't think anyone but those at the centre of the episode really know the truth but needless to say there seem to be a lot of folks out of pocket. One well known internet marketer who regularly posts to the how to forum confessed to loosing around $6,000.
For me I will stick to my usual web based and email marketing campaigns for my money and leave the scary stuff to those with less respect for their own money, civil liberties and a like for state provided porridge.
The only people who win with deals such as these HYIPS are those who are in at the very beginning, those who join in later can only lose out big time. Take the case of Charles Ponzi himself, all went well for many months and he paid people out their dues and bought himself a massive mansion on the proceeds, however it was not to long before the inevitable happened and the number of people needing to be paid outstripped the new investors. At this point the auditors moved in and Ponzi started the slow spiral downwards which led to his serving several prison sentences and eventually dying in poverty in Brazil with just $75 in his bank account to bury him.
Don't get caught out by these schemes, the odds are you will lose at least your dignity and money and at worst if you are too involved, like ponzi you could lose your whole livelihood.
Geoff Hibbert email:- Geoff Hibbert is the Original Autopilot Marketeer
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