Hyip Investment Tips
In fact there is no golden rule to invest your money. Hyips come and go every day. Some hyips can last for a few years while others disappear in a few days. But I?m sure with these tips you can play the game more safe and get higher roi for your money. But remember always there is no safe investment in the world.
1) Look at the returns and be realistic
When I first invest in hyips I always joined the sites with the greatest returns. It tooks my only a few days to know that these hyips where scams and or ponzi shemes. I?m talking about hyips that promise you returns like 50% daily for ten days. These sites are ponzi shemes runned by scammers if you ?invest? in these sites don?t be surprised to lose all your money. Refund are impossible.
A few weeks ago there was also a hyip promising 44% profit in only 12 days. There where generating returns by investing in real estate. However it is true that real estate investment can generate high return, but such returns are ridiculous.
2) Are they paying?
If you have read rule 1 I think you will not invest in unrealistic hyips. Yep at these moment there are some great hyips out there. You can?t double your money in a week wit them but they are paying for a long time. But before one cent of your own money try to get as much information as you can. Visit discussion forums, blogs, hyip monitors, hyip news websites and so on. If you are seeing that some member don?t get paid don?t invest your money here.
3) Make a test spend?
4) Never spend money that you can?t afford to lose it.
I know rule number 4 is a clich? but it?s still true. Sometimes on forums I read posts like this ?I have lost 2000$ on hyips x. In fact I wanted to use the money to pay my bills?. Also never ask people to lend money, even if it?s only a few dollars. There is a great chance that you will not earn interest from the hyip and so not been available to give it back and if you do this on forums you will have a very bad reputation.
5) Diversity
Try to diverse your capital into at least ten different programmes. If one of them goes out of business you will have some other resources to earn money. Also don?t always invest in hyips that use the same techniques to earn money. For example invest in a hyip that is generating profit by trading forex, another by real estate investement, another that invest in the stock market and yet another that makes money with arbitrage trading.
6) Secure your e-gold Secure your e-gold is an absolutely must. There are a lot of hackers out there trying to steal your money. And know there are not only hacking big account. Even if you have only a few dollars you are a possible victim. Most hyips forums have a security related forum where you can find I want to refer you to their at this moment. There will be come a detailed article on e-gold security at this block soon.
7) Attention to cheerleaders
Thanks to the internet (and through internet discussion forums) you can reach a lot of target people worldwide spending only a few minutes of your time. Most people in forums are honest people who gives out their experiences and tell them their success stories or mistakes. However there are also people who are only thinking about making money. Even if a programme is not paying they are posting programme x has paid me 50 straight into my e-gold account join this programme today. The reason why they are doing this is always to earn referral commissions or perhaps they are a part of the hyip staff. There are also admins who hires posters to give out positive feedback on their hyips. Therefore always reading the meaning of different peoples and in different forums.
8) Attention
Please pay attention if ....
A hyip is under DDOS (denial of service) attack.
The forum of the hyip is not reachable
The admin is no more longer active in public forums
You receive emails from the staff that there are problems
These signs are the herald that a hyip programme is in his scam phase.More articles on my blog
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