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Some advices for HYIP beginners
This article is devoted to HYIP - investment programs. The article is intended for those who is the beginner in such business. I think, the beginner can gather some rules and advices which can help to not lose but earn some money by participating in such projects
First of all, you should solve: whether this method of earning money approaches you? First of al, answer following questions, and then make your own decision.
I do not advise you to start to participate in this business if following character traits are inherent to you
1. You are afraid to risk your money. It is necessary to note, that absolutely reliable HYIP projects do not exist. Any commercial or state bank offers low profitability of an investment with high reliability. On the contrary, HYIP offer high liquidity, but often many of them have short term of existence
2. You should realize, that HYIP projects cannot make a profit from anything. You should deposit necessarily some minimum of money to receive any profit. It is well-known, that it is impossible to receive something from anything. If you do not have necessary minimum (as a rule, it's over 100-1000 $)-you should earn and deposit them at first.
3. Are you very emotional? Are you nervous? In this case, HYIP business is not for you. Moreover, if you are capable to unforeseen rash acts, is very dangerous to participate in HYIP projects. In the first case you'll receive a sleeplessness, in the second - an opportunity quickly to lose all the money.
4. You like to blame others for your mistakes.
If, once a failure occurs, you blame anyone (be it administrator, friend, boss, government, God, weather, coincidence etc) except for yourself, you should stay away from HYIP. Keep in mind that YOU are the only one being responsible for the decisions you are making, and all the fault in case of a failure is yours. If you have lost money in HYIP - you are the only one who is guilty in your unpredictability and greed, having taken over your common sense. Remember that no one was pulling you on a lace and you have voluntarily given your money to a scammer.
5. We strongly advise you not to participate in HYIP projects, if cheating is inherent in your character. There are too many dishonest persons in this business besides you
HYIP - IS for you, if: 1. HYIP is the best way of earnings money for you, if the realized risk - congenital feature of your character.You should understand, that risk-noble business You should be ready to risk anywhere and always to subdue top or to lose all.You've got a well-developed intuition and common sense
2. For successful promotion in HYIP business you should have good feeling of intuition and skilling of precise analysis. Yours experience and intuition should be a basis of your decisions. Your experience and opinion should be more major, than opinion of participants HYIP forums etc. You and only you make a decision on necessity to participate or not to participate in this or that project.
3. You should be capable take experience from the last mistakes
HYIP it is not intended for those who recedes after the first defeat. HYIP - a choice of the strong people, able to make conclusions of their mistakes.
HYIP : first steps. This part of article is array of advices for those people, who meet the requirements stated above and decide to take participation in HYIP business.
How to begin. You should take some knowledges before participation in HYIP. You can get this knowledges by reading news on different forums, opinions of well-known people and professionals of this business. It is well-known, that's learning from mistakes of other one's is too better than from your own. You should start only after your own attentive research of HYIP business world
Starting capital. A lot of hyip programs have too small start invest capital about $1-5. You should clearly understand, that such small money can't be the foundation of real business. You'd better to buy a beer fjr yourself than participate in HYIP business with such money. You should start your learning with at least $100, expanding this amount till $1000, if you want to succeed. And you should remember, that amount of your investments and possible loosing of them should not be fatally dangerously for you.
A variety of investments. Do not invest all of money in any unique invest-project. You should have contributions in at least ten various projects, you'll have probability of yours succeed. You should clearly understand, that always there is a high probability closing of half of these funds
You should care of safety of your accounts if do not wish to be plundered by the hackers a various sort, swindlers, etc. Do not forget to update anti-viruses and firewall programs on your machine. Only you can protect yourselves from a robbery by hackers.
Life expectancy of HYIP projects. Any program of investment chosen by you should be preliminary researched by you. You should estimate time of its existence and the beginning of work of the project. You should know, that any such invest project has the certain term of a life. The overwhelming majority of projects - financial pyramids, although well-known as ponzies. They pay you from the deposits of new investors for a period of time while new investments are larger than the total amount of payouts. If you try to participate in old program, you have a huge risk to get in the basis of such financial pyramid.
Stages of development. Any program has the certain life expectancy. This life can be divided into some periods conditionally:
1. The beginning of opening of the program. This most successful time for investment. The program receives big investments, investors receive their percents and seldom enough withdrawal of means demand. Danger of bankruptcy at this stage consists in an opportunity of a deceit of investors the admin of the program. He can decide to disappear with money instead of continuation of work of the project. Such succession of events can be determined by researching statistics of the program. Such project is the bankrupt if in statistics the huge quantity of investments in the beginning of work of the project is specified. Also the project can become incapacitated, beacause huge amount of money were spent on advertising campaign and web-site's design.
2. The period of stability. It is the period of the most fruitful existence of the project, when the program develops, deposits grow, the small quantity of withdrawals of money is made.
3. The end of existence. This stage comes, when the amount of inquiries about withdrawal reaches the sizes of the common capital of the project. Admin closes the project, leaving a difference of investments and the withdrawn incomes to itself.
4. Sometimes project continues the existence. It possible in that case if it's really the productive eiaano-project or a commercial deceit by means of advertising.
This stage - logic end of activity of the project. You should it is obligatory to withdraw the money at this stage if it is still possible.
5. Extraordinary case may have a place, if the web-site of project was attacked by hackers. The most probable consequence of this incident - full bankruptcy of the project.
Types of HYIP projects. 1. Short-term ponzies It kind of programs promising up to 200 % with daily payment. Usually term of life of such programs is no longer than one or two weeks. It is wery dangerous to invest in such project's, which are like a "roulette." We strongly recommend do not participate in such programs.
2. Medium-term ponzies Term of life of such programs may to change from about two weeks till two monthes. They pay around 5-7 percents a day. The most dangerous kind of projects.
3. Long-term ponzies It's the best way yo your investments. The real period of existing of such programs is about five months, and some of the most successful can live till half a year. Their payments are about from 2 till 3 percents a day. So, you have too high possibility to return your investments in two-month term and have some profit
4. Extra-long term projects. This type of projects can work too long time, till a whole year. They promise less than 25 % monthly. Nevertheless, it very dangerous kind of projects. You should to put concerning the big deposit to receive the essential income in this case. The risk in this project is very high, so, participation in such projects is not your best way ti earn the money.
5.Private programs. When you'll start to participate in investment projects, you'll hear about so called private projects. Their admins approve, that new members can participate in such programs only by the special invitation. It is not VIP project as you thing. It's a simple advertising attempt to get more investments from it old members. The unique feature of such projects - their rather high life expectancy. You should be very carefull with such projects. Programs of such kind have too high possibility to be closed soon.
You should have in view of, that HYIP world is full of lie. You should to rely on own experience and experience of professional investors. Pay attention to messages on HYIP forumes. It is too important to look after the admin's speechs - it is not very difficult to differ truth and lie. For example, admin, most likely, say lies, speaking about use of investments on FOREXe, because an overwhelming part of such projects - only financial pyramid.
HYIP is uneasy business, and administrators often escape with invested money. You should clearly understand, that there is no way to get back your losed money. You should remember it always. You should now, that there is no mechanism to look for the Internet payments. Rules of all HYIP projects notice that the administrator is not responsible for your money and you are depositing them voluntarily. Practically it impossible to start lawsuit against the not honest admin of HYIP project, but it's impossible to return your money. Even charges on police investigation will exceed the sum of your deposit. HYIP projects do not submit to any laws.
If you have decided to participate in HYIP business - I sincerely wish you be lucky!
Written by Admin December 22 2006 All rights reserved! If you copy this article you MUST refer this page URL! This page url: More articles about HYIP:
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Some advices for HYIP beginners is article written by Admin of one from best HYIP monitoring services - If you do first steps in HYIP investment world or even you are already an experienced HYIP investor then this article is for you.
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