HYIP Scam Info


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Estimating Risk Of E-Gold Investments (HYIP-Autosurfs and Others)

Today I will show you some important factors that must be considered when estimating e-gold investment risk. You must realize, that proper estimation of risk is 90 per cent of success.

1. Admin's personal data. If an admin of program is an honest person he/she should not hide his personal data. It can be checked through any 'whois' service. If a domain is registered for some incorrect data, it should let you know that something is wrong. If the information seems to be correct, try calling the admin (its cheap with voip) and check if he/she is responsive etc. However, it happens that people use privacy protecting services, I do myself. It is very popular method of protecting privacy. Personally, I do not give up programs that use privacy protection.

2. Legal script. Those programs that are based on some sort of php script, must be run on legal copy. Most of HYIP scripts are made by GoldCoders and autosurf scripts are made by Neversay. It is very important that the site runs on a legal copy, its much safer and means that admin spent some money on building a program.

3. Graphics and language. High quality graphics is not cheap, it means that admin has money and is willing to spend it for the programs performance. You should also check the language of the page. Most sites are run in English, so that will be easier for you. Make sure that Terms of Service and every other texts are written in correct English, that there are no mistakes.

4. Contact. Admin should be responsive and supportive. Check the time for response by mailing him with some questions. Its good to ask about his investing strategies etc. You will now does he/she know what is doing and check his/her will to assist you.

5. Advertisement and popularity. When HYIP and autosurfs are concerned (e-gold investments in general), advertisement becomes one of the most important factors of program's and your success. Remember, the more new users (due to heavy advertising) the more likely you are to profit. Most of the admins are also present at the major forums and are willing to assist anyone there as well.

6. Admin. It might happen that someone present at a forum for a long time, decides to start his own e-gold investment program. Check his/her previous posts, try to learn something about that person. People, who are supportive for other members, are more likely to commit for the program's members. They will also be credited with much trust, what will result in cash flowing to the program, you should be there.

7. ROI. Return on Investment. The lower ROI the most stable the program is likely to be. However, programs with to low ROI are not going to interest a lot of investors. Nevertheless, such a programs will gain much attention after a longer time, especially if admin is very supportive. I would recommend putting your money in programs with low ROI. I will show you how to count ROI soon.

8. Age. The younger the program, the more likely it is to stay online for at least one full cycle. It can be your cycle if you manage to get in on time. I recommend joining young programs with high ROI, by young programs I mean those e-gold investments that are aged one or two days. It is likely that you will not loose your money and you should even make some profit. Especially with some referrals in your downline. However, with e-gold investments with low ROI, this is the opposite way. Older programs have a confirmed position and stability, thus people are willing to deposit their money, especially bigger money in such programs.

9. Minimal deposit. The programs with low minimum $1-$10 are most likely the ponzi scheme based programs. If admin is willing to invest the money, he/she should not be distracted with some small amounts of e-gold and should focus on investing what members have already deposited. Real e-gold investments start from about $100, but it shall not be considered a rule.

I hope that these rules for estimating the risk of your e-gold investment will be useful for you and will help you earn some money.

If you want to learn more about e-gold investments and other online money making opportunities, please, visit my blog:


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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs)

The number of High Yield Investment Programs (commonly referred to as HYIPs) have exploded with the advent of the internet. Typically, a high yield investment program is a investment opportunity that is run over the internet, and promises staggering returns of 1 or 2% per day or more. This translates into an annual uncompounded return of 365% to 730%, a figure that is unlikely to be possible by any legitimate investment program. I believe the vast majority of high yield investment programs are scams, and before you consider putting money in a high yield investment programs, you should do your due diligence and consider these points:

  • It is commonly believed that most high yield investment programs are Ponzi schemes, where the "interest" paid to existing members actually comes from money deposited by new members. As long as the program continues attracting new members, the HYIP will be able to pay its existing members, however, at a certain point, there will not be enough new members to pay off existing members, and the system will implode financially. Anyone who has money invested at this point will likely lose their entire investment.
  • Most high yield investment programs are very short-lived, and do not last more than 6 to 18 months.
  • Most high yield investment programs are located overseas, and do not disclose details about their location or management, and provide little contact information.
  • Some people believe that it is possible to make money from high yield investment programs by investing only in new HYIPs and pulling out their money early. This is at best a huge gamble and a very risky tactic.
  • There are numerous HYIP monitoring sites that track which high yield investment programs are paying, and which are not. These sites should not be completely trusted because it's possible for HYIPs to pay the accounts run by these sites so they can continue to appear to be "paying" programs.

My opinion is that most high yield investment programs are complex scams based on Ponzi schemes. This does not mean there are no legitimate high yield programs on the Internet, but if a program is paying a ridiculously high return, say 30 - 40% a month or more, then it is most likely typical HYIP and should be avoided.

If you are interested in alternative ways to generate a high-yield return on your money that does not involve HYIPs, you might consider the Legisi Return on Loan Program which I have used since 2005.

This review was written by Tom Oki, editor of a prominent business opportunity review site, where you can read a full article on high yield investment programs

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HYIP - Professional Investments

HYIP is a dangerous business, that's why skilled investors try to develop a certain concept of protecting their investments. Undoubtedly, the given concept is not a panacea from all mistakes, but some principles are constant. Observance of these principles can essentially facilitate the task of investor - to earn, not to lose.

Type of the project. You should determine precisely type of hyip project in which you want to participate. Overwhelming quantity of hyips are the simple financial pyramids, giving the part of new investments to their elder investors. The program participating in real business is a rare case. Usually it is not so. In this case it is necessary to consider the following factors:

Payment rates. A plenty of non-professional investors appear to be deceived by hyip-projects promising high payments daily. As a rule, such programs promise 2% a day. It is well known among the professionals that such programs do not live no longer than week or two. Some of them guarantee 2% and less payments, and this can proceed too long period of time, up to one year. Those programs, which offer variable daily payments, usually are more honest, than projects which promise constant payments. Actually, if the program managers take participation in some trading, they cannot exactly know their possible profit in future.

Term of program life. Experience of professional investors shows, that possibility of strong profit from new project is higher than possibility to get the same from an old program. Cause of it is that the investments in a new hyip are usually bigger, than in the old project. Also you should be careful with hyip programs that say in their rules, that "Last success of traders not a guarantee of the future successes" Most likely, such program start to close.

Program status. Private programs with a limited number of participants are much safer in comparison to public analogues. But very often such private status is false. For example, the program cannot be private if news about it is located at a forum. In this case, you, most likely, deal with scammer trying to steal some money or to involve you as the investor in his "private" project. Similarly, you should not trust to any mail with the same information from unknown persons.

Internal accounts. Some projects have internal accounts with regular daily payments on it. It has possibility to make request to get payout when investor want. Other projects assume payments directly on E-gold or IntGold. Of course, the second variant is more reliable, because in this case you can observe a real picture of payments on your account.

Minimum and maximum. Often hyip projects offer too low invest minimum - about one dollar or even less. You should clearly understand that no real business project can work with such an insignificant sum. Even expenses on the accounting are higher, than investments of the whole army of similar "investors". That's why fairly working program cannot accept the investment below than fifty dollars. A maximum should be limited not too big amount of money. It should be no more than one hundred dollars per one project.

You should have a mistrust in every hyip project, while you're not convinced yet in the opposite. You always should be guided by common sense. You should realize clearly your acts and all possible consequences.

Written by Investor-Info.biz Admin December 20 2006 Investor-Info.biz

If you copy this article you MUST refer this page URL! This page url: http://www.investor-info.biz/lib/profinvestment.html More articles about HYIP: http://www.investor-info.biz/lib.php

Investor-Info Team Investor-Info.biz

HYIP: Professional Investments is article written by Admin of one of best HYIP monitoring services - http://www.investor-info.biz This article contains overview of most significant aspects of HYIP investment.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Some Advice For HYIP Beginners

This article describes hyip - investment programs. It is intended for those who are the beginners in such business. I think, a beginner can gather some rules and advice that can help not to lose but earn some money by participating in such projects.
First of all, you should decide: whether this method of earning money appeals to you? First of all, answer the following questions, and then make your own decision.
I do not advise you to start participating in this business if the following character traits are inherent to you:

1. You are afraid to risk your money. It is necessary to note, that absolutely reliable hyip projects do not exist. Any commercial or state bank offers low profitability of an investment with high reliability. On the contrary, hyip offers high liquidity, but often many of them have a short term of existence.

2. You should realize that hyip projects cannot make a profit from anything. You should deposit necessarily some minimum of money to receive profit. It is well-known, that it is impossible to receive something from anything. If you do not have necessary minimum (as a rule, it's over 100-1000$) you should earn and deposit them first.

3. Are you very emotional? Are you nervous? In this case, hyip business is not for you. Moreover, if you are capable to unforeseen rash acts, is very dangerous to participate in hyip projects. In the first case you'll suffer from sleeplessness, in the second - an opportunity to lose quickly all the money.

4. You like to blame others for your mistakes.
If, once a failure occurs, you blame everyone (be it an administrator, a friend, a boss, the government, God, weather, coincidence etc) except yourself, you should stay away from HYIP. Keep in mind that YOU are the only one being responsible for the decisions you are making, and the entire fault in case of a failure is yours. If you have lost money in HYIP ? you are the only one who is to blame for your unpredictability and greed, having taken over your common sense. Remember that no one was pulling you on a lace and you have voluntarily given your money to a scammer.

5. I strongly advise you not to participate in hyip projects, if cheating is inherent in your character. There are too many dishonest persons in this business besides you.

HYIP ? is for you, if:

1. HYIP is the best way of earning money for you, if the realized risk - congenital feature of your character. You should understand, that risk is a noble business. You should be ready to risk anywhere and anywhen to subdue top or to lose all. You?ve got a well-developed intuition and common sense.

2. For a successful promotion in hyip business you should have a good intuition and skill of precise analysis. Your experience and intuition should be a basis of your decisions. Your experience and opinion should have priority over the opinion of hyip forums participants etc. You and only you make a decision whether participate or not participate in this or that project.

3. You should be capable of taking experience from the latest mistakes.

Hyip is not intended for those who recedes after the first defeat. Hyip - a choice of strong people, able to make conclusions from their mistakes.

HYIP : first steps.

This part of the article is an array of advices for those people, who meet the requirements stated above and decide to take part in hyip business.
How to begin. You should take some knowledge before participation in hyip. You can get this knowledge by reading news on different forums, opinions of well-known people and professionals of this business. It is well-known, that's learning from mistakes of others is better than from your own. You should start only after your own close research of hyip business world.

Starting capital. A lot of hyip programs have too small start invest capital about $1-5. You should clearly understand that such a small sum of money can?t be the foundation of real business. You?d better buy a beer for yourself than participate in hyip business with such money. You should start your learning with at least $100, expanding this amount till $1000, if you want to succeed. And you should remember that amount of your investments and possible loosing of them should not be fatally dangerous for you.

A variety of investments. Do not invest all of your money in any unique invest-project. You should have contributions in at least ten various projects, you'll have an opportunity to succeed. You should clearly understand, that always there is a high risk of half of these funds to be closed.

You should ensure the safety of your accounts if do not want to be plundered by hackers of various kinds, swindlers, etc. Do not forget to update anti-virus software and firewall programs on your machine. Only you can protect yourself from a robbery by hackers.

Life expectancy of hyip projects.
Any investment program chosen by you should be preliminary researched by you. You should estimate the time of its existence and starting your work on the project. You should know, that any of such investment projects has a certain term of life. The overwhelming majority of projects are financial pyramids, also known as ponzies. They pay you from the deposits of new investors for a period of time while new investments are larger than the total amount of payouts. If you try to participate in an old program, you will face a huge risk of getting in the bottom of such financial pyramid.

Stages of development. Any program has a certain life of expectancy. This life can be divided into some periods conditionally:

1. The opening of the program. This is the most successful time for investment. The program receives big investments, investors receive their interest and demand withdrawal quite seldom. Bankruptcy at this stage can be caused by admin's insincerity. He can decide and disappear with the money instead of continuing the work of the project. Such state of events can be determined by researching statistics of the program. Such project is a bankrupt if in statistics the huge quantity of investments in the beginning of the work of the project is specified. Also the project can become incapacitated, because a huge amount of money was spent on advertising campaign and website design.

2. The period of stability. It is the period of the most fruitful existence of the project, when the program develops, deposits grow, and the small quantity of withdrawals of money is made.

3. The end of existence. This stage comes, when the amount of inquiries about withdrawal reaches the sizes of the common capital of the project. Admin closes the project, leaving difference of investments and the withdrawn incomes to itself.

4. Sometimes project continues its existence. It is possible in that case if it's really the productive investment project or a commercial deceit by means of advertising. This stage is a logic end of activity of the project. You should o withdraw the money at this stage if it is still possible.

5. Extraordinary events.It may take place if the website of the project is attacked by hackers. The most probable consequence of this accident is complete bankruptcy of the project.

Types of hyip projects.

1. Short-term ponzies
It is a kind of programs promising up to 200% daily payment. Usually term of life of such programs is no longer than one or two weeks. It is very dangerous to invest in such projects, which are like ?roulette." I strongly recommend not to participate in such programs.

2. Medium-term ponzies
Term of life of such programs may change from about two weeks to two months. They pay around 5-7 percent a day. This is the most dangerous kind of projects.

3. Long-term ponzies
It's the best way for your investments. The real period of existing of such programs is about five months, and some of the most successful can live till half a year. Their payments are about from 2-3 percent a day. So, you have a high possibility of returning your investments in a two-month term and earn some profit.
4. Extra-long term projects.

This type of projects can work a very long period of time, a whole year. They promise less than 25 % monthly. Nevertheless, it is a very dangerous kind of projects. You should put concerning the big deposit to receive the essential income in this case. The risk in this project is very high, so, participation in such projects is not your best way to earn the money.
Private programs.

When you start to participate in investment projects, you'll hear about so called private projects. Their admins admit that new members can participate in such programs only by the special invitation. It is not a VIP project as you think. It's a simple advertising attempt to get more investments from its old members. The unique feature of such projects is their quite high life expectancy. You should be very careful with such projects. Programs of such kind have too high possibility to be closed soon.

You should keep in mind that HYIP world has a lot fake programs. You should rely on your own experience and experience of professional investors. Pay attention to messages on hyip forums. It is important to monitor the admin's speeches - it is not very difficult to tell the truth from lie. For example, admin, most likely, say lies speaking about the use of investments on FOREX, because an overwhelming majority of such projects are only financial pyramids.

HYIP is an uneasy business, and administrators often escape with the invested money. You should clearly understand that there is no way to get back your loosed money. You should always remember it! You should know that there is no mechanism to control Internet payments. Rules of all HYIP projects say that the administrator is not responsible for your money and you are depositing them voluntarily. Practically it is impossible to start lawsuit against a dishonest admin of hyip project, but it's impossible to return your money. Even charges on police investigation will exceed the sum of your deposit. HYIP projects do not submit to any laws.
If you have decided to participate in HYIP business - I sincerely wish you good luck and be rich!

Written by Investor-Info.biz Admin December 22 2006 Investor-Info.biz. All rights reserved!

If you copy this article you MUST refer this page URL! This page url: http://www.investor-info.biz/lib/beginadvices.html More articles about HYIP: http://www.investor-info.biz/lib.php

 Investor-Info Team Investor-Info.biz

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Is It Possible To Insure An HYIP Investment

As everyone knows, HYIP investments are risky. To the uninformed its the equivalent of throwing a pound in a wishing well, and expecting 2 or 3 to splash back out. In truth, despite the mass of information on the Internet, there simply isn't a definitive yes/now answer for the inexperienced. Some time ago, I theorised that it would be possible to insure investments against scams. Although by some the idea was ridiculed, I was and still am convinced that the concept is good. Read on, and I will explain all the pros's and cons, you're free do decide yourself the merits of the service.

Lets take by way of example a typical Internet user that decides to try HYIP investments, lured by the promise of high returns in a short time frame. This person knows nothing of these sites, has no regularly updated information to look through and even if they did the site could turn sour the second hard earned money is invested.

So what happens when they try to withdraw the apparent win-fall? In a nutshell, nothing. They receive no payment and have no-one to contact. It is possible to report the incident to a merchant provider but this invariably will not result in the return of spent dollars. Another victim is created with no hope of ever seeing their cash again.

Now consider the difference that a definitive result would make after requesting an insurance policy. If the HYIP to be covered is on the insurance blacklist, or has been reported by other investors as a scam, the policy will simply be denied. From this point on, anyone foolish enough to make an initial spend with the site has only themselves to blame.

The other possibility is that the quote is accepted. Only two possible outcomes can remain. a) The investment is successful and the policy holder gets paid as promised, or b) The site fails to pay out and the policy holder becomes a victim with a difference. They will get their initial spend returned. In this case, the claim results in the HYIP being blacklisted, thus preventing further victims.

To some this seems too good to be true, but lets break it down into component parts and assess it more closely.

Hyip's (High yield investment programs) promise seriously high returns in a very short period of time, often hours or days. Even the best forex traders couldn't promise these types of profits indefinitely. Its possible that they will succeed in the short-term, but its unlikely to be sustainable and so the program fails.

The HYIP insurance is somewhat different, with the policy costing 25% of the intended investment amount. It still means that the premium must be multiplied more than 4 times to cover any possible claim made. However, for the system to be fair both in terms of the investor and the site owner, it will take a few days to be sure that no response is forthcoming from the site following a payment failure. The insured investor then has to make a claim, provide evidence of the investment and all attempts to resolve the situation amicably. The insurance provider also will make reasonable attempts to contact the site owner and merchant provider. At which point it is possible to grant or deny the claim based on the results. This is a considerably longer period of time, over which the premium cost has been invested wisely resulting in the ability to process the claim and return the lost investment amount. Winning investments provide the insurance service with the necessary profits to be viable since the same investments were made while the policy was valid.

So you see, the fundamental difference is time. Realistic time frames, compensating for the unrealistic but highly attractive profits. My advice is to keep your money safe, insure your investments. If you're lucky you'll win, if you're not at least you won't make a loss.

Billy Middleton is the creator of the Safepay Verified the new poundpyramid system where you earn a FIXED return of ?25000 per share which also contains the Pyramads banner promotions system. Now featuring the unique HYIP insurance service

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Thursday, March 13, 2008


In case you are totally not familiar with this term, "HYIP," which stands for High Yield Investment Program, is a modern version of the infamous Ponzi scheme. One has to admit that "HYIP" sounds much more politically correct than the Ponzi scheme, but there is really little difference between the two. Obviously, no HYIP advertises itself as a Ponzi scheme as those are illegal. You can, however, easily recognize them by their claims of compounding your investment at the rates of 1-10% or even more daily, which clearly is not sustainable.

In an excellent ebook on making money online that I highly recommend, "Honest Income Program," HYIP is listed as one of the things to avoid along with 14 other useless or even harmful "business" ideas.

I must say that my opinion about HYIPs is somewhat different. I don't think that an average HYIP is any more harmful than a lottery and, in fact, the difference between the two is only in details. I would even say that you stand a greater chance of making some money with an HYIP than with a lottery, but your potential is much limited as HYIPs are bound to collapse either because they run out of new members or the owner of such a "private lottery" decides that it's just about the time to abscond with the loot and you end up holding a bag. However, in both cases the risks are about the same, although usually you can make some money with HYIPs if you are not greedy and play it for small gains and diversify across a few such programs.

There is also another benefit from HYIPs that is not so minor at all: you learn a disciplined conservative investing at a very small cost. The keyword is "small cost." Don't even think about throwing huge amounts of money at this. Treat it strictly the way you would treat a lottery. Most responsible, intelligent adults do not spend thousands of dollars a year on a lottery, but they may spend up to a hundred bucks and that's fine as long as this is not the money that you desperately need for other things. You do not want to be one of those people who have lost tens of thousands of dollars with those schemes. Yes, such people do exist...

Do I recommend playing HYIPs? As I said, only in moderation, and in moderation almost everything can be good, but never on a grander scale. Personally, I would never invest more than $10-20 per HYIP and no more than $100 altogether. On the other hand, you might as well check out "Honest Income Program" and go with the programs it offers. That, in my opinion, is even a better deal. Moreover, if you really ever decide to give HYIPs a try, by following the first of the programs this ebook presents, you will be able to earn $100-150 pretty easily within the first month and that should be enough to fund your HYIP investing account.

Waldemar Puszkarz, Ph.D., is a web veteran with 15 years of web surfing under his belt. By training, he is a theoretical physicist, but his interests are much broader than science and include trading financial markets, sports betting, poker, and researching online business opportunities. He is also an avid book reader and sports afficionado. Currently he is making his living mostly as a day trader. He has been in the trading trenches for almost a decade during which he has traded a variety of financial instruments. He is the owner and webmaster of Eminimethods.com (http://www.eminimethods.com) which provides free common sense trading education and simple trading systems for e-mini and stock markets as well as reviews of honest online business opportunities in Meet HOBO (http://www.eminimethods.com/HOBO.html) section of his site.

You can find more information about "Honest Income Program" on this author's website at: http://www.eminimethods.com/steven_ebook.html

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hype for HYIPs - New Advertising Era Is Coming?

Every program administrator should start thinking about program promotion long before actual program launch. An effective and carefully planned promotion campaign can make the program famous in a few days and can guarantee a steady traffic of investors. In the HYIP world program promotion doesn't anything to do with search engine optimization (SEO) used to promote websites. People invest in SEO when they want to increase the number of visits to a website from search results. But think about it: how many investors use Google to find new investment opportunities? Plus you should know that successful SEO doesn't always result in increased investments or sales. You should discard SEO in the very beginning: it will be a waste of your time and money.

Here is what you could concentrate your promotion efforts on: banners, listings or monitor websites, paid sticky topics on discussion boards, paid posters crowd (whether you like it or not), smart hidden marketing campaigns.


MMT Investigation Bureau conducted an interesting survey not so long ago. We wanted to know how effective banners really are and what outcome you can expect by using banners to promote your program. We have contacted many listing websites that have advertising spaces and offered them to provide us with free advertising space for a week strictly for survey purposes. Our survey was simple: we put a banner on a monitor website for a week. Please note that banner was professionally designed to immediately attract attention. So there was a good probability that someone would actually click on it. Then we analyzed how many clicks were made and how many pages were viewed. We had expected that most of them would have declined our offer, so we have purchased more stats from a trusted resource.

You can find result charts and diagrams here: moneynews2.com/HYIPforumsNEWS/Hype-HYIPs/

As you can see from the stats, these resources are not worth the money they ask for their services. They are basically useless. Another thing we noticed was that most advertising spaces on listing websites are empty which means that these services are not popular anymore. We have closely followed listing website for about a month and there were always available advertising spots. We don't think that ordering promotion there will be very effective so think twice before paying someone for advertising spaces!

You should know that most discussion boards offer you advertising spaces as well. Compare their sheets are below: http://moneymakertalks.com/index.php?showtopic=1137

You can see that placing banners on forums is very expensive and it won't necessarily yield results that you expect. We have heard different stories about people who got scammed by board admins. They paid for banners and they were never placed. We have heard this happen more than once so be very careful. Plan your budget accordingly and don't spend it all on one banner.

So costs are quite high. You may also notice that they are available on each forum which means that this service is not very popular. Why? Because it's expensive, it doesn't guarantee you success and there one more thing: a recent research has revealed that most programs advertised on discussion boards as sticky topics are nothing but scam. Now investors treat sticky topics with great caution and we would advise against using this method of program promotion because it will only give your program a bad name.

If you are still thinking about using "paid poster" services, than you should read an article here: http://moneymakertalks.com/index.php?showtopic=972 . This article explains why you shouldn't do it. Enjoy!

There is another promotion tool that can be used for investment programs promotion. This marketing tool is not that popular in HYIP industry yet but it has been used for years by marketing agencies all over the world.

Have you ever heard about hidden marketing? It's also known as guerrilla marketing, smart marketing or buzz marketing. Basically it means special marketing strategies to generate spontaneous attention to a service (or to an investment program in our case). Hidden marketing experts have many tricks up their sleeve that can make any program successful and they can offer targeted marketing campaigns as an effective solution to your promotional needs.

This whole concept has been very successful and large corporations like Microsoft, Google, Procter and Gamble use it to promote some of their products. This form of promotion really works because people are more inclined to believe word of mouth promotion more than conventional advertising because usually the promoter is satisfied with the service or products and he/she is eager to share his/her experience. It also work because the promoter is not trying to sell you anything, he/she is merely discussing it.

Various techniques are used for this kind of promotion. Most famous techniques imply using discussion boards or specialized blogs to spread the word about a new product/service. This doesn't cost as much as media advertising and such promotional campaigns are always targeted since blogs and discussion boards are carefully selected by promoters.

You can say that this is essentially what paid posters have been doing for ages but I will have to disagree. Read our survey once again here: http://moneymakertalks.com/index.php?showtopic=972 and you will see that most paid posters don't have a clue about what they are doing. Posting "paid" comments and fake screenshots is not hidden marketing. On the contrary, it looks like a direct advertising to us. Don't you think so? All the posts are the same, they are not grammatically correct, and they repeat content and leave customers dissatisfied with their services. One thing about hidden marketing is that it usually stays hidden, it's subtle and investors can tell it's there. They are not supposed to know that they are being marketed at all and most "paid posters" are not well disguised.

You can try to run a hidden marketing campaign yourself because most people think that it's very easy. We would suggest against this. The reasons are simple: you don't have the necessary tools and know-how to do it right. You can probably learn but it takes time so if you ever think about this type of promotion you should look for companies offering this services. It's easy to tell these companies from paid poster crowd: their emails don't contain mistakes, they have websites, they will usually offer you several plans for promotion and they will be willing to give you a trial period or demonstrate their previous work. They will always provide a campaign plan or agenda.

We believe that programs will have to change and program administrators will have to spend more time on them. Discussion boards will eventually transform into places for sharing experience and promotion skills will change as well. Paid posters will disappear because their services will no longer be needed because no one will believe simple paid comments anymore. HYIP world will change (hopefully for the better) and new approach to promotion will be a necessity. Get ready for it!

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HYIP Monitors And How To Read Them

Hyip montitors or hyip rating sites are lists where the hyip admin have to spend an amount to the admin of the monitor who spend the money back in that programme. From this moment the programme get a state.

Waiting: Already invested in the hyip however to early to receive the payments Paying: The hyip pays on time, everything is all right Problem: The hyip don't pay at time or don't pay at all. Scam: The hyip doesn't pay anymore, however it is still possible that you can view the website. Closed: The hyip is closed, normaly the website is taken offline.

Normaly the hyip monitor offer a little bit of extra information such as.
- Day of opening
- In what they trade
- About the hyip
- contact information
- Profit rate and investment plans

But caution!

-Some hyip admins are only paying the admin and not the monitor so they get a postive rate, that's why i prefer the monitors where you can vote on the programmes.
- Some hyips admins are hiring members to post positve comments on hyip related forums (yes they get paid for it) I'm sure you have already seen this before you browse in a thread there are some problems with a hyip and wham you get it a few newbies are posting: I've got paid
- As you may now most hyips don't invest at all. They are ponzi shemes (new pays old) however some members don't get paid they give a positive vote and hope that other members will join these ponzi sheme too. In that case there is a chance that the hyip will survive for another few days and in that case there is a chance that the false voter will see his money back.
- Not paying, no paying: Some hyip admins are hiring staff or paying members to post false votes for other hyips on different hyip monitors: They vote: Not paying.

How the hyip monitors are making money?

- Trough referral commissions.
- Trough advertsing ( banner advertising, Google adsense , Obeus).
- Premium listening: Some hyip admins are choosing these options to give a better rate to their hyip.
- They spend the money they received from the admin in the hyip. If the hyip pays they got a profit if they don't pay
or return in a scam no problem they haven't lost money.

List of good hyip monitors.

As you can see there are hunderd of hyip monitors out there. The reason why is simple most people think they can make a ridicilous amount of money by offering such a service and for a few hunderd bucks you have already the money to start a site, to buy a script and a little bit of cash to promote the service however i use these hyip monitors.
- Goldpoll
-Hyip-navigator (also with interviews and articles)

Also in the forums of dreamteammoney can you see a whole lists of monitors. And the admin is there. Don't be afraid to ask questions to them to gain more information

But it's not all right to spend money in hyips only based on the information you received from the hyip?

- Always do your own due dillegence (research) - Look if the profit's are realistic (we make 15% a day trough forex= scam) - Go to forums The hyip admins can easily delete negative posts. Do you remeber the paid to surf programme Studiotraffic all the negative posts where deleted there. In independent forums they don't delete negative posts about a certain hyip - A red flag if you are seeing sentences like.
" We are a team of professional teams and banker with ten years expierence in forex and nasdaq. No we have decide to operate
online you can earn x% daily.
- The hyip admin is already rich.w
The administrator claims that he have already earned millions of dollars but now he gives you the opportunity to the same. And you don't have to trade yourself. Scam of course. Do you realy think that a millionaire will trade a few thousand bucks?

Frederik is an internet marketer and high yield investor you can read more articles about it on his blog

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Estimating risk of e-gold investments (HYIP, autosurfs and others)

Today I will show you some important factors that must be considered when estimating e-gold investment risk. You must realize, that proper estimation of risk is 90 per cent of success.

1. Admin's personal data. If an admin of program is an honest person he/she should not hide his personal data. It can be checked through any 'whois' service. If a domain is registered for some incorrect data, it should let you know that something is wrong. If the information seems to be correct, try calling the admin (its cheap with voip) and check if he/she is responsive etc. However, it happens that people use privacy protecting services, I do myself. It is very popular method of protecting privacy. Personally, I do not give up programs that use privacy protection.

2. Legal script. Those programs that are based on some sort of php script, must be run on legal copy. Most of HYIP scripts are made by GoldCoders and autosurf scripts are made by Neversay. It is very important that the site runs on a legal copy, its much safer and means that admin spent some money on building a program.

3. Graphics and language. High quality graphics is not cheap, it means that admin has money and is willing to spend it for the programs performance. You should also check the language of the page. Most sites are run in English, so that will be easier for you. Make sure that Terms of Service and every other texts are written in correct English, that there are no mistakes.

4. Contact. Admin should be responsive and supportive. Check the time for response by mailing him with some questions. Its good to ask about his investing strategies etc. You will now does he/she know what is doing and check his/her will to assist you.

5. Advertisement and popularity. When HYIP and autosurfs are concerned (e-gold investments in general), advertisement becomes one of the most important factors of program's and your success. Remember, the more new users (due to heavy advertising) the more likely you are to profit. Most of the admins are also present at the major forums and are willing to assist anyone there as well.

6. Admin. It might happen that someone present at a forum for a long time, decides to start his own e-gold investment program. Check his/her previous posts, try to learn something about that person. People, who are supportive for other members, are more likely to commit for the program's members. They will also be credited with much trust, what will result in cash flowing to the program, you should be there.

7. ROI. Return on Investment. The lower ROI the most stable the program is likely to be. However, programs with to low ROI are not going to interest a lot of investors. Nevertheless, such a programs will gain much attention after a longer time, especially if admin is very supportive. I would recommend putting your money in programs with low ROI. I will show you how to count ROI soon.

8. Age. The younger the program, the more likely it is to stay online for at least one full cycle. It can be your cycle if you manage to get in on time. I recommend joining young programs with high ROI, by young programs I mean those e-gold investments that are aged one or two days. It is likely that you will not loose your money and you should even make some profit. Especially with some referrals in your downline. However, with e-gold investments with low ROI, this is the opposite way. Older programs have a confirmed position and stability, thus people are willing to deposit their money, especially bigger money in such programs.

9. Minimal deposit. The programs with low minimum $1-$10 are most likely the ponzi scheme based programs. If admin is willing to invest the money, he/she should not be distracted with some small amounts of e-gold and should focus on investing what members have already deposited. Real e-gold investments start from about $100, but it shall not be considered a rule.

I hope that these rules for estimating the risk of your e-gold investment will be useful for you and will help you earn some money.

If you want to learn more about e-gold investments and other online money making opportunities, please, visit my blog:


My name is Dariusz. I am in online business for few years now. I specialise in all sorts of e-gold investments. I hope you will find my experience useful. You can visit my blog for more tips on e-gold investments: http://im-making-money.blogspot.com/

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How hyip monitors works?

How hyip monitor works?

Hyip montitors or hyip rating sites are lists where the hyip admin have to spend an amount to the admin of the monitor who spend the money back in that programme. From this moment the programme get a state.

Waiting: Already invested in the hyip however to early to receive the payments Paying: The hyip pays on time, everything is all right Problem: The hyip don't pay at time or don't pay at all. Scam: The hyip doesn't pay anymore, however it is still possible that you can view the website. Closed: The hyip is closed, normaly the website is taken offline.

Normaly the hyip monitor offer a little bit of extra information such as. - Day of opening - In what they trade - About the hyip - contact information - Profit rate and investment plans

But caution!

-Some hyip admins are only paying the admin and not the monitor so they get a postive rate, that's why i prefer the monitors where you can vote on the programmes. - Some hyips admins are hiring members to post positve comments on hyip related forums (yes they get paid for it) I'm sure you have already seen this before you browse in a thread there are some problems with a hyip and wham you get it a few newbies are posting: I've got paid - As you may now most hyips don't invest at all. They are ponzi shemes (new pays old) however some members don't get paid they give a positive vote and hope that other members will join these ponzi sheme too. In that case there is a chance that the hyip will survive for another few days and in that case there is a chance that the false voter will see his money back. - Not paying, no paying: Some hyip admins are hiring staff or paying members to post false votes for other hyips on different hyip monitors: They vote: Not paying.

How the hyip monitors are making money?

- Trough referral commissions. - Trough advertsing ( banner advertising, Google adsense , Obeus). - Premium listening: Some hyip admins are choosing these options to give a better rate to their hyip. - They spend the money they received from the admin in the hyip. If the hyip pays they got a profit if they don't pay or return in a scam no problem they haven't lost money.

List of goog hyip monitors.

As you can see there are hunderd of hyip monitors out there. The reason why is simple most people think they can make a ridicilous amount of money by offering such a service and for a few hunderd bucks you have already the money to start a site, to buy a script and a little bit of cash to promote the service however i use these hyip monitors. - Goldpoll -Hyip-navigator (also with interviews and articles) -goldrater -listpays

Also in the forums of dreamteammoney can you see a whole lists of monitors. And the admin is there. Don't be afraid to ask questions to them to gain more information

But it's not all right to spend money in hyips only based on the information you received from the hyip?

- Always do your own due dillegence (research) - Look if the profit's are realistic (we make 15% a day trough forex= scam) - Go to forums The hyip admins can easily delete negative posts. Do you remeber the paid to surf programme Studiotraffic all the negative posts where deleted there. In independent forums they don't delete negative posts about a certain hyip - A red flag if you are seeing sentences like. " We are a team of professional teams and banker with ten years expierence in forex and nasdaq. No we have decide to operate online you can earn x% daily. - The hyip admin is already rich. The administrator claims that he have already earned millions of dollars but now he gives you the opportunity to the same. And you don't have to trade yourself. Scam of course. Do you realy think that a millionaire will trade a few thousand bucks?

Read the basic rules of investing here on this forum.

"If you are not prepared to lose all your money at once then hyips are not for you".

Read more articles about hyip, internet marketing, forex trading and adsense on my blog

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Tips to follow during HYIP investment

Though HYIP can be very profitable but there is always a high risk involved. There are hundreds of scammers out there waiting just to rip off your money. If you are not careful enough in choosing the right HYIP than there is a big possibility for loosing your money before even getting any profit. This is how this HYIP world works. So in order to minimize the risk you need to keep the following things in mind.

  • Never get greedy, control your emotions.
  • Invest only what you can afford to lose.
  • You need to have a lot of patience.
  • A due diligence check on the program is a must.
  • Always withdraw your initial investment as soon as possible.
  • Diversify your investment in to several reliable programs.
  • You have to believe that most HYIPs are Ponzi scams.
  • Acquire as much information possible about the investment program you are interested.
  • Join HYIP forums to know opinions of other experienced investors.
  • Do not invest in programs that are not listed on premier HYIP review and ratings sites.
  • Always check the review websites to monitor your invested programs.
  • Never invest in HYIP that use free listing site.
  • Try to avoid daily return HYIP that use manual or instant withdrawal, always invest that pay directly to your e-gold
  • Lastly, always be prepared to loose your money as investing in HYIP is almost like gambling.

To get more useful information you can visit these links:

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How to Protect Yourself from HYIP Frauds

Don't send them your money.

Yes, it really is that simple and easy -- if you can control your greed-induced stupidity.

Yes, I know some people claim that some High Yield Investment Programs are honest and legitimate. Unfortunately, I see no evidence to support this claim -- and find many good reasons to believe that all HYIPs and HYIP monitor sites are frauds from the get-go.

HYIP is short for High Yield Investment Programs. These are basically web sites which ask for your money in exchange for a guaranteed return on your investment which if true would shame Warren Buffett with his inadequacies and failures as an investor.

Returns of 1/2 to 5% DAILY! 6% weekly. 10% monthly. 730% annually.

Those are figures I just pulled from a small sampling of recommended HYIPs listed on an HYIP monitor site. Others claim more or less, but these are typical.

Hungry for returns like these? Most people are. They sure make ordinary mutual funds look weak and insipid don't they? Makes you wonder why ordinary mutual fund managers earn millions of dollars when they can't even guarantee a return of a mere 1/2% per day.

Even better -- these returns are available to anybody. The minimum investments range from only $10 to $100.

If you were a trader who knew how to make such astronomical returns, would you want to be bothered with managing money for investors who can only afford to send you $10?

In the United States -- and most countries have similar laws -- all securities must be registered unless they're placed privately with accredited investors. That's people who have a net worth of at least $US 1 million and/or net annual income of at least $US 200,000. Needless to say, those people are not $10 investors!

By seeking funds for unregistered securities on a public web site, HYIPs appear to be violating these laws -- even if the administrator has honest intentions.

But that's not likely, because all HYIP administrators want your money sent in the form of e-gold, so it's untraceable and nonrefundable. If they were honest, they'd accept your check.

HYIP experts advise doing due diligence before you invest, by investigating the administrators through their domain names. But if the HYIPs had honest intentions, they'd give you their names, physical mailing addresses and telephone numbers. Many HYIP sites don't even pretend to tell you who or where they are.

And how do HYIPs achieve their extremely high but guaranteed results? Gambling in Macau casinos, forex trading, day trading, certificates of deposits, gold investments, investments on the NYSE and Nikkei, oil investments, manufacturing, venture capital, a single matrix multilevel marketing scheme that moved you up as people sent money after you, playing online Texas Hold 'Em, the prime bank fraud and more. That's what their sites claim, anyway. Some HYIPs don't even bother to lie to you. They don't even pretend they're investing your money in anything.

As for the HYIPs that do claim to be investing in something legitimate (the majority) -- what's their trading edge that enables them to guarantee such high returns? They don't tell you. They don't brag about it. They don't even give you a clue. You're expected to simply accept their word for it. The lack of attention they devote to convincing prospective investors that their claims are credible is itself a show of contempt.

I've seen marketing materials for mutual funds, investment newsletters, investment books, trading software, investing courses and seminars -- and all of them go to great lengths to convince prospects that their methods are successful. They don't give away their secrets but they obviously believe prospects won't send their money unless they first establish their credibility.

And no such marketing materials claim they can guarantee results every day, week or month! All trading systems have downs as well as ups.

Oh, yes -- no HYIP has lasted over one year. Most go out of business long before that. Naive koolaid drinkers believe that some were started by administrators with honest intentions who just failed to make money, so they closed up shop without refunding any money.

If they were honest they wouldn't make claims they couldn't fulfil. They would give you their names and addresses. They would accept all legal forms of money, not just e-gold. And if they did go out of business despite their successful investment strategies, they would return as much money as possible.

They didn't "succumb to the dark side" when their business failed. They were on the dark side when they started it in a deceptive manner.

But some HYIP investors make money -- how's that possible?

The obvious explanation for all HYIPs is that they're plain and simple ponzi schemes. The first few investors and the traffic-generating HYIP monitor sites are paid with money sent by later investors. As long as the program continues for a time, the early investors can show a profit. When the flow of money from new suckers slows down, the administrator stops paying anybody and goes on a long vacation, before starting a new HYIP under a new name.

HYIPs rely solely on your greed -- and that approach seems to be working.

I hope that now you understand that if you want a real return on your invested money, you need to put it in real investments -- not send it to scammers.

Richard Stooker

To learn more about HYIPs, go to: what are high yield investment programs or HYIPs

Capital gains are an illusion. Put cash in your pocket by learning the secrets of investing for income.


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Friday, March 7, 2008


GETTING STARTED IN NEW ERA OF HYIP............................................................ by Anup Thorat www.hyiplife.blogspot.com

So are you the one taking advantage of the new era of HYIP? Well i am one of them and its really a enjoyable part and risk taking too...... Its for the guys with guts! So lets start with basics .

1. What is HYIP? HYIP stands for high yield investment programme 2. How can we invest in these programmes ? now a days most of hyips accept only EGOLD.

3. What is Egold ? egold is a virtual currency used to trade online. In this the money is stored as units of gold.

4.How can we open account in egold? well its free to open account in egold. 5. How can we deposit money in egold? you can deposit by one of the exchanges that are mentioned in the support section of egold site.you can do that by diect bank transfer or by credit card.

6.Its ok lets start about how we get high yield investment and who pays us? thats the basic question and the most important that we should know before investing as our money is in their hands. Generally the hyip is started by well established forex traders and other companys whose products are well stabilised and they need large amount of funds to generate and invest .They take our money and invest in the forex or their own products and pay us some part of profit that they make. There are various plans put forward by the hyip administrators . but the best ones are the one which are long term.

7.So is it risky to invest? well there is risk involved if you are not guided by experienced person or a good friend. well you can find a good friend in me if you are really interested. Just go to my blog and read latest update and if you want regular update from me and want to contact me you can sign up for my newsletter or leave your comment there.

Anup Thorat is investor in hyip programmes and has started a blog on his experiences in hyip and autosurfs he is interested in guiding newcomers to best hyip programmes & to avoid losses in scam hyip and autosurf programmes you can sign up for his newsletter for starting making a fortune with hyip and autosurfs at his blog www.hyiplife.blogspot.com

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Some advices for HYIP beginners

Investor-Info.biz: HYIP Articles library

Some advices for HYIP beginners

This article is devoted to HYIP - investment programs. The article is intended for those who is the beginner in such business. I think, the beginner can gather some rules and advices which can help to not lose but earn some money by participating in such projects

First of all, you should solve: whether this method of earning money approaches you? First of al, answer following questions, and then make your own decision.

I do not advise you to start to participate in this business if following character traits are inherent to you

1. You are afraid to risk your money. It is necessary to note, that absolutely reliable HYIP projects do not exist. Any commercial or state bank offers low profitability of an investment with high reliability. On the contrary, HYIP offer high liquidity, but often many of them have short term of existence

2. You should realize, that HYIP projects cannot make a profit from anything. You should deposit necessarily some minimum of money to receive any profit. It is well-known, that it is impossible to receive something from anything. If you do not have necessary minimum (as a rule, it's over 100-1000 $)-you should earn and deposit them at first.

3. Are you very emotional? Are you nervous? In this case, HYIP business is not for you. Moreover, if you are capable to unforeseen rash acts, is very dangerous to participate in HYIP projects. In the first case you'll receive a sleeplessness, in the second - an opportunity quickly to lose all the money.

4. You like to blame others for your mistakes.

If, once a failure occurs, you blame anyone (be it administrator, friend, boss, government, God, weather, coincidence etc) except for yourself, you should stay away from HYIP. Keep in mind that YOU are the only one being responsible for the decisions you are making, and all the fault in case of a failure is yours. If you have lost money in HYIP - you are the only one who is guilty in your unpredictability and greed, having taken over your common sense. Remember that no one was pulling you on a lace and you have voluntarily given your money to a scammer.

5. We strongly advise you not to participate in HYIP projects, if cheating is inherent in your character. There are too many dishonest persons in this business besides you

HYIP - IS for you, if: 1. HYIP is the best way of earnings money for you, if the realized risk - congenital feature of your character.You should understand, that risk-noble business You should be ready to risk anywhere and always to subdue top or to lose all.You've got a well-developed intuition and common sense

2. For successful promotion in HYIP business you should have good feeling of intuition and skilling of precise analysis. Yours experience and intuition should be a basis of your decisions. Your experience and opinion should be more major, than opinion of participants HYIP forums etc. You and only you make a decision on necessity to participate or not to participate in this or that project.

3. You should be capable take experience from the last mistakes

HYIP it is not intended for those who recedes after the first defeat. HYIP - a choice of the strong people, able to make conclusions of their mistakes.

HYIP : first steps. This part of article is array of advices for those people, who meet the requirements stated above and decide to take participation in HYIP business.

How to begin. You should take some knowledges before participation in HYIP. You can get this knowledges by reading news on different forums, opinions of well-known people and professionals of this business. It is well-known, that's learning from mistakes of other one's is too better than from your own. You should start only after your own attentive research of HYIP business world

Starting capital. A lot of hyip programs have too small start invest capital about $1-5. You should clearly understand, that such small money can't be the foundation of real business. You'd better to buy a beer fjr yourself than participate in HYIP business with such money. You should start your learning with at least $100, expanding this amount till $1000, if you want to succeed. And you should remember, that amount of your investments and possible loosing of them should not be fatally dangerously for you.

A variety of investments. Do not invest all of money in any unique invest-project. You should have contributions in at least ten various projects, you'll have probability of yours succeed. You should clearly understand, that always there is a high probability closing of half of these funds

You should care of safety of your accounts if do not wish to be plundered by the hackers a various sort, swindlers, etc. Do not forget to update anti-viruses and firewall programs on your machine. Only you can protect yourselves from a robbery by hackers.

Life expectancy of HYIP projects. Any program of investment chosen by you should be preliminary researched by you. You should estimate time of its existence and the beginning of work of the project. You should know, that any such invest project has the certain term of a life. The overwhelming majority of projects - financial pyramids, although well-known as ponzies. They pay you from the deposits of new investors for a period of time while new investments are larger than the total amount of payouts. If you try to participate in old program, you have a huge risk to get in the basis of such financial pyramid.

Stages of development. Any program has the certain life expectancy. This life can be divided into some periods conditionally:

1. The beginning of opening of the program. This most successful time for investment. The program receives big investments, investors receive their percents and seldom enough withdrawal of means demand. Danger of bankruptcy at this stage consists in an opportunity of a deceit of investors the admin of the program. He can decide to disappear with money instead of continuation of work of the project. Such succession of events can be determined by researching statistics of the program. Such project is the bankrupt if in statistics the huge quantity of investments in the beginning of work of the project is specified. Also the project can become incapacitated, beacause huge amount of money were spent on advertising campaign and web-site's design.

2. The period of stability. It is the period of the most fruitful existence of the project, when the program develops, deposits grow, the small quantity of withdrawals of money is made.

3. The end of existence. This stage comes, when the amount of inquiries about withdrawal reaches the sizes of the common capital of the project. Admin closes the project, leaving a difference of investments and the withdrawn incomes to itself.

4. Sometimes project continues the existence. It possible in that case if it's really the productive eiaano-project or a commercial deceit by means of advertising.

This stage - logic end of activity of the project. You should it is obligatory to withdraw the money at this stage if it is still possible.

5. Extraordinary case may have a place, if the web-site of project was attacked by hackers. The most probable consequence of this incident - full bankruptcy of the project.

Types of HYIP projects. 1. Short-term ponzies It kind of programs promising up to 200 % with daily payment. Usually term of life of such programs is no longer than one or two weeks. It is wery dangerous to invest in such project's, which are like a "roulette." We strongly recommend do not participate in such programs.

2. Medium-term ponzies Term of life of such programs may to change from about two weeks till two monthes. They pay around 5-7 percents a day. The most dangerous kind of projects.

3. Long-term ponzies It's the best way yo your investments. The real period of existing of such programs is about five months, and some of the most successful can live till half a year. Their payments are about from 2 till 3 percents a day. So, you have too high possibility to return your investments in two-month term and have some profit

4. Extra-long term projects. This type of projects can work too long time, till a whole year. They promise less than 25 % monthly. Nevertheless, it very dangerous kind of projects. You should to put concerning the big deposit to receive the essential income in this case. The risk in this project is very high, so, participation in such projects is not your best way ti earn the money.

5.Private programs. When you'll start to participate in investment projects, you'll hear about so called private projects. Their admins approve, that new members can participate in such programs only by the special invitation. It is not VIP project as you thing. It's a simple advertising attempt to get more investments from it old members. The unique feature of such projects - their rather high life expectancy. You should be very carefull with such projects. Programs of such kind have too high possibility to be closed soon.

You should have in view of, that HYIP world is full of lie. You should to rely on own experience and experience of professional investors. Pay attention to messages on HYIP forumes. It is too important to look after the admin's speechs - it is not very difficult to differ truth and lie. For example, admin, most likely, say lies, speaking about use of investments on FOREXe, because an overwhelming part of such projects - only financial pyramid.

HYIP is uneasy business, and administrators often escape with invested money. You should clearly understand, that there is no way to get back your losed money. You should remember it always. You should now, that there is no mechanism to look for the Internet payments. Rules of all HYIP projects notice that the administrator is not responsible for your money and you are depositing them voluntarily. Practically it impossible to start lawsuit against the not honest admin of HYIP project, but it's impossible to return your money. Even charges on police investigation will exceed the sum of your deposit. HYIP projects do not submit to any laws.

If you have decided to participate in HYIP business - I sincerely wish you be lucky!

Written by Investor-Info.biz Admin December 22 2006 Investor-Info.biz All rights reserved! If you copy this article you MUST refer this page URL! This page url: http://www.investor-info.biz/lib/beginadvices.html More articles about HYIP: http://www.investor-info.biz/lib.php

Investor-Info Team (Investor-Info.biz)

Some advices for HYIP beginners is article written by Admin of one from best HYIP monitoring services - Investor-Info.biz. If you do first steps in HYIP investment world or even you are already an experienced HYIP investor then this article is for you.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

HYIP: Professional Investments

Investor-Info.biz: HYIP Articles library

HYIP: Professional Investments

Nevertheless, HYIP - a dangerous kind of business, that's why skilled investors try to develop the certain concept of preservation of the investments. Undoubtedly, the given concept - not panacea from all mistakes, but some principles are constant. Observance of these principles can essentially facilitate a task of investor - to earn not to lose.

Type of the project. You should determine precisely type of hyip project in which you want to participate. Overwhelming quantity of hyips are the simple financial pyramids, giving the part of new investments to their elder investors. The program participating in real business is a rare case. Usually it not so. In this case it is necessary to consider following factors:

Payment rates. A plenty of nonprofessional investors appear deceived by hyip-projects promising high payments daily. As a rule, such programs promise 2 % daily. It is well known among the professionals that such programs do not live no longer than week or two. Some of them guarantee 2 % and less payments, and this the deceit can proceed too long period of time, up to one year. Those programs, who offer variable daily payments, usually are more honest, than projects which promise constant payments. Really, if the program managers take participation in some trading, they cannot exactly know their possible profit in the every day in future.

Term of program life. Experience of professional investors shows, that possibility of strong profit from new project is higher than possibility to get the same from the old program. Cause of it is that the investments in new hyip are usually bigger, than in the old project. Also you should be carefully with hyip programs, who say in their rules, that " Last success of traders not is their mortgage of the future successes" Most likely, such program is become to closing.

Program status. Private programs with the limited number of participants are much more safe in comparison with public analogues. But it is very often such private status is false. For example, the program cannot be private if news about it are located at a forum. In this case, you, most likely, deal with scammer trying to to steal some money out of you or to involve you as the investor in his "private" project. Similarly, you should not trust to any sort mails with the same information from unknown persons

Internal accounts. Some projects have internal accounts with regular daily payments on it. It have possibility to make request to getting payout when investor wants. Other projects assume payments directly on E-gold or IntGoldm. Off course, the second variant is more reliable, because in this case you can observe a real picture of payments on your account.

Minimum and maximum. Often hyip projects offer too low invest minimum - about one dollar or even less. You should clearly understand, that no one real business project can not work with the such insignificant sum. Even expenses on the accounting are higher, than investments of the whole army of similar "investors". That's why fairly working program cannot accept the investment below than fifty dollars. A maximum should be limited not too big amount of money. It should be no more than one hundred dollars to one project.

You should to concern to everyone hyip to the program with mistrust, while you're not convinced yet in opposite. You always should be guided by the common sense. You should realize clearly your acts and the nobility about all possible consequences.

Written by Investor-Info.biz Admin December 20 2006 Investor-Info.biz All rights reserved! If you copy this article you MUST refer this page URL! This page url: http://www.investor-info.biz/lib/profinvestment.htmlMore articles about HYIP: http://www.investor-info.biz/lib.php

Investor-Info Team(Investor-Info.biz)

HYIP: Professional Investments is article written by Admin of one from best HYIP monitoring services - Investor-Info.biz. This article contains overview of most significant aspects of HYIP investment

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


This article neither endorses or condemns getting involved with an HYIP, but if you're going to put your money into one of these, you should at least know what you are getting into and what's involved. That way at least you will be prepared for what may or may not happen.

First of all, HYIP stands for High Yield Investment Program. This is a program where the member signs up and, depending on the program itself, has to perform some daily or weekly routine. This could be viewing a number of web sites each day to reading ads. Each HYIP is different so please read the terms of the one you plan on joining before you join it.

To make money with these programs, that is also going to be slightly different from program to program but there is a general way that these things work.

For the most part, these companies sell what they call ad packs. You purchase an ad pack and your site is then displayed somewhere on the site. These ad packs range in price from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars depending on the structure of the site. The higher the price of the ad pack, the more your site will get shown, usually.

After you have purchased your ad pack you then agree to the terms of the site to either read ads or view other sites, or whatever they have you do. During that time, your ad or site will be shown to other members. This gives you a chance to make sales from your site. However, the main lure of these programs is that after a certain number of days, your ad pack gives you a certain return on what you paid for it. The returns range all over the map. I've seen them as low as 3% to as high as 24%. The average return these days is about 12%, paid out usually within a couple of weeks.

So let's say you purchased an ad pack for $10. After 14 days, the site may pay 12% on that and give you a check or credit for $11.20. You can take your money and run, or put it back into the company and get another 12% on it in another 14 days. Obviously, the more money you spend on ad packs the more you will get back.

You're probably wondering where they get the money to pay you 12% when most banks in the US today at best are paying you 3% in a month? Well, they get the money from several sources. One of them is outside advertising, but the main source is from members that come in after you. They pay you from their ad pack purchases.

This system works fine as long as new members keep coming in. Historically, however, as soon as there are problems in making payouts, membership slows, then stops and then the company folds. No HYIP to date has lasted more than a year, if that long.

HYIPs are risky because of this, but you can make a decent amount if you get in early and buy large ad packs, or whatever your site calls it. In the US, the federal government, for the most part has ruled that these HYIPs are illegal if they can't show a viable product. Other countries don't have such strict regulations.

Before getting involved with an HYIP, do your research on the company. Never spend more than you can afford to lose, as these can be risky.

Steven Wagenheim, the author of this article, has ghost written over 1000 articles for the Internet. His Honest Income Program can be found at:


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Know How HYIP Monitors Work

Now, you can earn sizeable daily or monthly interest on your investment, thanks to High Yield Investment Programs or HYIP. And it could range anything between 5% monthly to even whopping 50% on a daily basis. But the catch is that, you will have to carry risk along with it. It's like putting your money at stake every day once you invest in HYIPs. There is no assurance whatsoever that your money is out of harm's way. But that doesn't mean that you will shy away from investing. The best you can do to combat the risk factor is to bag the latest information to arrive at the right decision.

You can literally fish from myriad sources of information about HYIP programs. But be just a little careful because most of them are not completely reliable. All you need to do is gather information from all the possible sources and then extract the much-needed ones about the respective programs. Always remember, having the right information under your belt is the first step towards becoming a successful investor.

HYIP monitors are the main sources of HYIP information. They list all HYIP sites and cater all the relevant information. Things like when the program began, the interest and fees or whether the program is paying or not, are to be found here. HYIP monitors function in a straightforward way. It simply monitors all the HYIP programs and sorts them by payouts, their preferences an age.

What actually happens is that, the monitor charges each HYIP, a listing fee that normally goes into the program as investment. Saying that, you will also find free listings and at times monitors who invest their own money. The HYIP then gets tagged as either "Paying" or "Not paying/Scam" depending on whether interest is received subject to the terms of the program. Furthermore, monitors have also made provision for the HYIP investors to rate and remark on the programs.

You will come across countless HYIP monitors, many of which list hundreds of HYIPs. It just goes to show the magnitude of competition in the air. You must know that Goldpoll is one of the largest HYIP portals. Conversely, another fine HYIP monitor is HYIPs Analysis. Now, from where does the HYIP monitors make their living. They earn from the interest paid by the HYIPs. Not just that, referral commissions spawned by their visitors who choose to invest in the program is also a means of their earning.

It's good to draw on HYIP monitors, but also make it a point to go through HYIP forums and read HYIP articles to educate yourself on matters of investment. It really works wonders especially if you are looking forward to investments. You can extract handy information easily. And reading articles and reviews available at HYIP Best is just the icing on the cake.

Alice Dexter is a successful writer and publisher of HYIP related issues, for more informative articles go to http://www.hyipreviewed.com

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Digging Facts About HYIP Investment

Have you come across the term High Yield Investment Program (HYIP)? It is an investment that involves extreme risk. HYIP is on a high and is growing everyday on the Internet circuit. People who are gaining fortunes investing in these programs are increasing in numbers. But it is to be understood that HYIP investments are not always a bed of roses. You will have to harvest as much of information as you can about investments as a whole before actually venturing into one. Knowing the right things about HYIP investments beforehand can surely do good to you.

If you are to find a HYIP, you will have to undertake a lot of research work. Researching a host of HYIP program sites is the first thing that you should do before you jump into anything. There is no dearth of websites regarding the subject of HYIPs that help you with all the relevant information that you need the most. They also urge the users to rate every program whatsoever.

As for investing in a HYIP, you will have to transfer cash from your bank account to the company's account by way of e-currency. And to make possible the use of these accounts you will be required to register with one or all of them. Not just that, before your account gets active, you will have to certify your email address to say it all.

Profit making from HYIPs will require you to devote some time to the Internet. And this is primarily because you will have to get a clue about the market scenario. You will also know where to search for HYIPs. Knowing facts big or small will certainly help you to face situations better and consequently will help you to add on to your profits.

There are certain tips that can help you to find the right way as regards HYIP investments. Look at the returns and try to be realistic right from the word go. Beware of scams or 'Ponzi schemes' for that matter. Savvy scammers who can literally put you in neck deep trouble run these schemes. Discussion forums, blogs, HYIP monitors, HYIP news websites and the like are something that can aid you in improving your information level. These means are pretty eye opening and hence very essential before you arrive at any kind of conclusion regarding investments.

Make sure that you go in for a test spend first. By doing so, you will know whether they are paying or not and whether the withdrawal button functions properly. Again, the best you can do is never exhaust money totally. Having your capital set into different programs is great idea and you will know why. You can access a whole lot of resources to bring in money if one of the programs flops. To do away with hackers you will have to secure your e-gold. It's a 'must' have thing.

All of the above mentioned facts and the useful tips would surely help you to sail across all the difficulties that come in way of HYIP investments.

Alice Dexter is a successful writer and publisher of HYIP related issues, for more informative articles go to http://www.hyipreviewed.com

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Discover The Truth About HYIP Source

If you indulge into High Yield Investment Program or HYIP, you can attain high interest in the shortest possible time whatsoever. Don't be surprised if the interest and return hovering from 0.5% to 100% daily, weekly or monthly is in the offing. There couldn't have been any easier option to make real money in real quick time. But there is one thing that you cannot separate from HYIPs and that is the huge risk factor, which it holds. You will have to undertake the risks before you could even think to settle down with profits.

HYIPs are normally available online. The crux of the matter is that you could lose the whole or part of your principal if the HYIP you invested in, suddenly shuts down. To fight the risk factor, all you can do is branch out your investment into more than a few HYIPs evenly. Not just that, you also need to pull out all interest from your investment accounts to your e-gold account or other e-currency accounts without delay. HYIP rank and monitor sites will surely help you to find authentic HYIPs. What they do is that they cater a stretched list of HYIPs with most up-to-date remark, rating and not to mention payment standing on each HYIP. Your principle and your profit are never guaranteed, so keep that in mind before making any commitments.

You can browse loads of information from a whole lot of places regarding HYIP programs. You cannot expect perfectly reliable information but certainly can avail the much-needed ones. If you are to become a successful investor, correct information is the thing to make the difference. HYIP monitors are the primary sources of information. Listing almost all of the HYIP sites and providing some fundamental information is precisely how HYIP monitors function. Information about the program, like for instance when it kicked off or the interest and fees and more importantly whether the program is paying or not can be acquired without much trouble.

Monitoring all the HYIP programs and arranging them by payouts, age and their preferences is the job of the HYIP monitors. Conversely, HYIP monitors also let people to vote for the programs. Different HYIP monitors are scattered all over the place much to your convenience. HYIP forums and HYIP articles are great for you because it helps you to gain access latest information.

HYIP advertisements in your email inbox are nothing but nicely packaged scams. The chief HYIP sources come by way of HYIP monitor websites, discussion forums, news sites, advertisements in any other websites and so forth. You can literally extract as much of information as you can from forums. HYIP status discussions in many forums are just what you need to get to the root of the matter. And what about those personal experiences of other investors who had plunged into any HYIP program - all of it is truly eye opening. HYIP news sites are also pretty useful. Advertisements can also cater much-needed info as long as they are not misleading.

Alice Dexter is a successful writer and publisher of HYIP related issues, for more informative articles go to http://www.hyipreviewed.com

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The Secret Of Cracking An HYIP Program

Investing money to a High Yielding Investment Program (HYIP) is quite a gamble. Although you can earn heavy interest in no time at all, the stakes are surely high. Anything from 0.5% to 100% can shape up as the interest and return offered by HYIPs on a daily weekly or monthly basis. Fast and easy money is certainly on the agenda with High Yielding Investment Programs. HYIPs are available on the Internet in plenty and hang about anywhere between 1 day to 1.5 years. If worse becomes worst, you could even lose all or a portion of your principal amount if the concerned HYIP shuts down.

The one way to get out of risk is to expand your investment into a number of HYIPs regularly. And besides that, you cannot afford to keep any interest in your investment accounts for compounding. Removing them to your e-gold account is a wise thing to do. You can easily browse HYIPs from HYIP rank and monitor sites to get an idea about their authenticity. Some of these sites even sends catalogs of HYIPs with all the relevant comments, the payment standing on each HYIP and of course the rating. You must remember, that your investment and the consequent profit aren't guaranteed at all in case of HYIPs. There is every possibility that you can even lose the principal amount, so be prepared.

Take a note on some of the 'must do' things regarding High Yielding Investment Programs. Be dead sure of not having all your money into an undersized HYIP program. No matter how promising they may look at the outset, don't get lured away. If you are ready to invest a large sum of money then do make sure to enquire whether the company offers any capital security against it.

Invest your capital into as many programs as you can. It makes more sense to do the above than settling down with two to three small HYIP programs with huge sums. Remember, you need to focus on the plan and not the programs for that matter. As for smaller programs make it a point not to reinvest extra money before you have been paid back. Moreover, with HYIP programs it is advisable to plough back smaller profits from time to time.

High Yielding Investment Programs can provide you with anything between 0.7 and 5% per day to say the least. And as for the longevity of a typical HYIP, it generally does not go beyond one year. HYIP forums come along with rating systems. Programs that have short investment-durations should be preferred. Additionally, the programs that pay back the invested sum must be chosen. You will have to keep bad programs out of our way. Try to investigate through the sites before you plunge into any kind of investment. The fact of the matter is that you will have to steer clear of "too good to be true" offers.

Knowing about HYIP programs will definitely help you in a lot of ways if you are looking to venture in the field of investments.

Alice Dexter is a successful writer and publisher of HYIP related issues, for more informative articles go to http://www.hyipreviewed.com

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tips To Make A Private HYIP Yield Maximum

High Yield Investment Programs or HYIP cannot assure that you will bag profits all the time. Although, HYIPs can spawn high return on your investment in no time at all, it surely involves a great deal of risk. Therefore, it is quite evident that you can either mint money or even be ripped off in the wink of an eye.

You should venture investing into HYIPs provided you are ready to take risk. The best part however is that if things go well you can earn big bucks. But make sure that you don't pour in mortgage money into these types of programs. Good and prompt profits are more than realizable with HYIP.

You can not only raise lump sum capital but also manage it in real quick time if you invest in some programs like the Investment-Grade Programs and the Private Programs. Always remember that you can be on the right track if you have a correct money management system, firm discipline and make cautious selection of the Investment Program.

All that is required of you is to select the programs with potential. You must be wondering what does a program with potential stand for? You must have mistaken if you consider it to be a program that has the uppermost interest rate. In fact, these are the least reliable ones. You must know that High Yield Investment Programs or HYIP can cater as much as 0.7 to 5% per day or even more for that matter.

Thing is that you definitely need proper guidelines that can help you to take matters the right way before investing in HYIP. To start off, it is best said to go through the HYIP forums so that you can peep into the rating systems whatsoever. Keep yourself at a distance as regards HYIPs with problems or the ones that are not paying. The programs that suggest short investment-durations are worth having a try.

Moreover, it would not make much of sense if you were to invest money for a year in a fund, which is short-lived. Programs that pay back the invested amount must be preferred. One thing you should try to do away with is a bad program. You can check their sites and clear your doubts if any. You can smell a rat when you come across programs that promise huge payments to say the least.

There are a few words of caution as well. First things first, make sure that you don't take part in programs received from anonymous people or in SPAM e-mail for that matter. If there is a client-forum then go through it especially the quality of responses. In addition, minimizing risk is what you should do. Spreading risk is precisely what is done. What happens is that, by restricting the investment-period of any investment on one hand and restraining the number of HYIPs you invest in at any one time on the other, risks in HYIPs are reduced.

All of the above said tips would mean that you could now confidently go ahead with HYIP investments.

Alice Dexter is a successful writer and publisher of HYIP related issues, for more informative articles go to http://www.hyipreviewed.com

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